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Ship Cars to Florida
Are you a snowbird trying to send your car to a
warmer climate or are you just simply wondering:
“ How I can transport my car to another state? “
Finding reliable low-cost auto transport companies
in the sunshine state of Florida will take you less
time and save you the stress of driving your vehicle.
Ship across country to and from snowy cities and
colder states in the USA like New York, New Jersey,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Chicago or Boston.
We can easily ship your car whether you’re shipping
vehicles coast to coast from Florida to another sunny
state like Connecticut or need to transport your
vehicle on a ship overseas to the wilderness state of
The cost to ship your used car often makes more
sense than buying a new car with your new home.
Call 855-744-7878 or click for a free price quote now.
Checklist for Shipping a Car to or from Florida:
If you purchased your vehicle from an auction
or an auto dealer, provide any documentation
needed to have the car released to our driver
at the auto auction or car dealership.
Shipping from coast to coast takes one to less
than two weeks to have vehicles shipped, so if
you will be arriving before your vehicle than
you should make plans to have a car or get a
rental car during car transport cross country.
Be sure that your tires are properly inflated
for the driver to load the car onto the trailer.
Indicate whether your car is running or non-
running to your agent so that your driver will
arrive with the necesarry towing equipment.
Welcome to Shipping Cars to Connecticut...
Call for a free quote now
Ship cars to Connecticut at the best prices.
Connecticut Car Transport
“Service over and above expectations. I was arranging to have
the truck shipped and waited for the dealership to figure out
funds apparently since I was from Canada, the bank put an
automatic 10 day hold on the cheque. They were very
understanding, professional, friendly and helpful.”
Mike Kennedy